Monday, January 01, 2007

And Pipe Smoking In Teen Boys Dropped Dramatically...

Why can't I just sit and enjoy a comic without seeing an ad that makes me cry?

Jesus that's bleak. I like this line: "He was a tough cop, and proud of it. Eating right, exercise, vacations - those were for guys not so tough."

Exercise? Sure, eating right and vacations I'll accept. Those things are for pussies. But exercise is kinda macho, isn't it?

And who is there to mourn Gordon's passing? No one. Because no one wants to be anywhere near a filthy smoker.

Incidentally, who is manning the Bat Signal on this grim evening?

Anyway, I just hope Batman hunts down the asshole who got Gordon started on pipe smoking in the first place and beats the holy living...



  1. Anonymous11:46 p.m.

    Does he still smoke now? I know a few years back Marvel dropped some ridiculous across-the-board edict that none of their characters--not Wolverine, not the Thing, not Nick Fury--could smoke anymore. Although, maybe it was only good guys that weren't allowed.


  2. That's an excellent question, Dave.

    I think he actually chews gum now or something. I guess dying of lung cancer scared him straight.

  3. Maybe that was Earth 2 Gordon - Earth 1 Gordon only ever chewed pencils.
    Damn, that was a convenient explanation.

  4. I have a few issues where this ad appears, printed on a sickly yellow colour. I'd say it was representative of some deeper symbolism, but on reflection its probably just horrible looking yellow paper.

    The issue where Gordon actually has his heart attack is just awesome. I think he goes to see Zorro with Sara Essen then collapses in a heap at the end of the issue.

  5. Gotham City: Come for the architecture; Stay for the round-the-clock Zorro screenings.

  6. When are people going to learn that 'Zorro' is NOT the movie to see when living in Gotham? It's like a death sentence.

  7. Yes! He still smokes! It's driving me nuts! Thanks for posting that ad, and to paperghost for mentioning that issue (it's almost funny, it shows Gordon as kinda fat, and he eats all this junkfood and stuff in the very same issue where he has his heart attack).

    Anyway, he quit smoking after that for, like, 15 years. But now, post INFINITE CRISIS--he' smoking again! He was smoking his pipe in "Face the Face" and in 52. Damn it, doesn't he remember his own PSAs?

    Actually, everyone in the DCU smokes now. Sarge Steel (in govt. facilities housing aliens!), Perry White (in his newspaper office!), Ravager, Tigorr, Lobo and Gordon. Montoya just quit, the Questions dying of lung cancer from smoking.

    Magnus just chews on his pipe, according to 52.

  8. Anonymous12:06 p.m.

    I seem to remember in "Batman Begins," Oldman!Gordon was all hopped up on patches and gum as well. He may've even made specific mention of "trying to quit the damn things." >.>

  9. Anonymous8:27 a.m.

    Stop smoking, benefits you will have aplenty. The first benefited will be your health after you stop smoking. This will drastically reduce the chances of smoking-related diseases, like lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, chronic lung diseases and other types of cancers.

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