Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No Super Hunk This Week

I'm very sorry. I was trying to find time to rate a super hunk, but I've been very busy lately with other things. Too busy for super hunks. It's terrible.

Instead I'll share this letter with you, from issue #80 of Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane.

I don't know what the worst part is: that Tim Toth of Calgary asked, or that the editor answered.

Actually, the worst part is everything.

Just so you know, this is what prompted his letter:

Tim, if you like that hot action, you might want to check out a little comic called Archie.


  1. Anonymous3:32 a.m.

    "Measurements? Can't you see we draw the same woman with different hair for every female character? What're the Playboy centerfold's measurements this week?"

  2. Based on that letter, "Riding the pipe" has a whole new meaning.

  3. Anonymous10:14 a.m.

    I love those old school introductions, "One day they went surfing." No explanation of how they learned it, or why, or where this beach is. They are surfing, just go with it.

  4. I've heard some double entendres, but I must say that Lana is getting a little carried away there.

    Where on earth would Lois and Lana learn to surf? Is Metropolis near an ocean? Smallville sure as heck isn't. At least when Hal and Carol and Pieface all went surfing, (and they DID) they were at least living in Coast City, so it makes a tiny modicum of sense.

  5. Dear Editor:
    When Power Girl has been shown on a cover drawn by Mr. Michael Turner -- WOW! To put it bluntly, what is her measurements? I know this is a rather personal question, but I'm really interested.

  6. "Riding the pipe."

    *insert Beavis and Butt-Head laughter*

  7. i think it's pretty awesome that lois and lana are getting rad on those waves. they are truly ripping that shit up.

  8. So Superman won't become quasi-involved with someone unless they have a 36-inch bust? Interesting...


  10. I love your blog. I've been reading it for awhile now, I've just been enjoying it and haven't been posting anything. Please keep up the great posts!

  11. I love that burn at the end about Archie. It was perfect.

  12. Anonymous3:43 a.m.

    When I read those measurements, I was instantly reminded of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.

  13. I think a question both the question and the answer are just awful. I believed it was published just for the fun of it. How would have wanted to miss that question.
