Monday, September 17, 2007

Rachelle Predicts The Least Popular Products

One of my Google sponsors is I took a look at their website, which promised deluxe Justice League costumes. I found some other things that I think they probably sell less of.

1. The Steve Irwin life-sized standee

2. The Adult Movie Robin Costume

3. The life-size Austin Powers Standee with voicebox

4. The zero-visibility toddler Batman romper

5. The Newt Gingrich life-sized standee

6. The Mary Katharine Gallagher costume

7. The Alan Jackson life-sized standee

8. The 'Talk to the Hand' costume

9. The pretty crappy Robocop costume

Also, I can't say if it's a hot seller or not, but I just want to bring everyone's attention to this costume:

They call it 'Dracula with a Twist.' I call it confusing.

Note: has many fine products and should not be judged based on this small selection.


  1. Oh, but how did you miss this?

  2. Disregard that.

    They have an entire section of "Sexy Superhero Costumes"

  3. Well, the Talk To The Hand costume could be easily recycled for a neat turkey costume the following month for Thanksgiving. Um, if your Thanksgiving celebration involves dressing up as the food served at dinner....

    Oh wait, your Thanksgiving after Halloween up there or not....

  4. I'll take one of each, please . . .

  5. Toddler Batman is so cute!

  6. "Adult Movie Robin" was not nearly as interesting as I was expecting from the title.

  7. They could at least make it a high quality hand, like this pic:>

  8. I wonder if the person who thought up 'Dracula with a twist' got a promotion?

    and whether there are any other costumes that involve walking around with a doll attached to your groin all night.

  9. I have to say that I find one of those costumes totally shagadelic. Yeah, baby.

  10. I seriously can't stop goddamn laughing at the Dracula with a Twist costume.

    I mean, look at his face! Oh man, i'm tearing up, hahahaha

  11. Any site with "Dracula With A Twist" should be judged by that and that alone.

  12. Anonymous4:36 a.m.

    Get rid of the wig and I guarantee you that the Mary Catherine Gallagher costume will make any lady wearing it extremely popular at the Halloween party of her choice.

    I'm not saying it's right--just that it's true.

  13. Dracula with a Twist... that has to be the most clever name for a costume ever. I can't stop laughing from it. I wonder if some will consider it offensive in a party

  14. This cannot succeed in reality, that is exactly what I suppose.
