Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hey Kids! You Don't Need Drugs...To Kill a Cobra!

And now, the most badass thing to ever happen in an Archie comic:

That cobra got its head blown clean off!!

You rarely see a gun, or a silencer, or a decapitation in an Archie comic.


  1. Anonymous11:22 a.m.

    Holy hell, that's awesome! I guess I am missing out in the Archie books. It reminds me of a scene from "Sssssssss." A gloriously bad movie with REAL snakes and what I've long suspected as REAL DEATH of snakes in that movie.

    But then again, this is the same book where Mr. Weatherbee runs after kids with 2 X 4's and everyone seems cool about it.

  2. ah, the special brand of bottle cork silencer. very cutting edge stuff, that.

  3. Anonymous11:59 a.m.

    I'm curious why this guy felt he needed a silencer...

    I guess he didn't want to wake Veronica (I guess that's her), but wouldn't having a dead, decapitated cobra body drop onto you while sleeping cause some kind of trauma as well.

    And why is Betty associating with such a man.

    Oh Archie, probably pushing up the daisies somewhere...

  4. Holy Crap! ... is that Shatner?!?

    It is in my head, anyway. Don't tell me otherwise.

  5. Jughead would've run after it with a stick and a brick.

  6. I am also apparently repeating myself. Sorry about that.

  7. Anonymous2:44 p.m.

    Wasn't swinging open his jacket, yanking out a gun, and slapping on a silencer a whole bunch of sudden moves? Kids, don't try this at home!

  8. Anonymous8:57 p.m.

    WHAT THE...

    Whoa. I feel like the fabric of the universe just got a hole ripped in it somewhere.

    All this is missing is MUTHAF***IN' SAM JACKSON.

  9. Anonymous3:15 p.m.

    art by Dan DeCarlo

    what issue is this from?
