Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Supergirl Week: To be Continued...

Alright, so I picked kind of a busy week to attempt a theme week on this blog. But I have much more to say about Supergirl. So I promise another Supergirl Week sometime soon. Because I didn't even get into anything past the Silver Age, or her team-ups, or any of the other awesome adventures the last daughter of Krypton has had. And that's a shame, because look!:

Remember to vote today, Canada. And if you want to vote against Harper, that's cool with me.


  1. Looking forward to more posts. Blame Chris Sims for my being here. Hope the Canadian vote goes over better than what we might end up with for another four years.

  2. Wonder Woman has an enormous head!

  3. If only her Rogue's Gallery knew how easily distracted Wonder Woman is by couture.

    On the other hand, she DID run a boutique, so I guess it fits.

    Have fun voting!

  4. Man, I wanted more Supergirl week. I love Lori and I'd love to hear your take on Supergirl's time in thelegion.

  5. Believe me, I wanted more Supergirl week too. I promise there will be a sequel very soon. If I can just get through this week it should be smooth(er) sailing!
