Tuesday, September 16, 2008

DC Solicitations!

DC's got the December solicitations up over at Newsarama. Let's have a looksee.

Last year DC totally failed to deliver on the holiday-themed comic front. This year I will not have to suffer that crushing disappointment again. Behold! The DCU Holiday Special 2008!

I know there is nothing technically alarming about this sentence, but it certainly could be seen as fairly R-rated for many reasons: Dr. Light aids with the Festival of Lights and Nightwing delivers a special gift to Robin.

Oh, I know it's not THAT Dr. Light. (Is it?)

J. Bone also provides a toothache-inducing adorable cover to the December issue of Super Friends. Good lord. Batman is wearing earmuffs! And he's caroling! And Aquaman has a little hat on...and Green Lantern is being inclusive! Awwww.

Not all comics released in December are festive, but they are still awesome-looking. Check out this sweet cover for Supergirl. I am really looking forward to the new creative team on this title.

Speaking of Supergirl, issue #1 of the highly-anticipated (by me) Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade comes out in December. I think this is going to be a lot of fun.

Watchmen is being re-released in issue format, which is...weird. It's not a bad idea, though, cash-grab wise.

It looks like Green Lantern Corps is going to hold onto its title of Grossest Superhero Comic for another month.

Turning to books, we have a trade that compiles Batman's greatest deaths! It's a little something DC likes to call The Strange Deaths of Batman. We should all be so lucky as to have enough deaths to fill a book.

That's a great cover. I like that it promises that Catwoman will be in the issue when she is clearly on the cover.

And just in time for Christmas, it's the Starman Omnibus v.2! That will make an excellent gift for me!

Looks like December is going to be a pretty solid month. We'll see Marvel's full line-up tomorrow.


  1. I noticed quite a bit of Quietly in those solicits...guess DC is using him all over the place now that he's out from under those All-Star Superman deadlines.

    And how about that Bruce Timm/Batman Black and White statue? Nice! Between it and the Jim Aparo one, I'm gonna be looking to make some deals next year at Heroes.

  2. I am SUCH a sucker for Holiday themed books.

    Ohhhh...Starman Omnibus #2! I am so there.

  3. Dr. Light learns that giving (rape) is better than receiving (also rape).

    I guess he may have already figured that out on his own though.

  4. Ha! I had a feeling you'd like the Batman in earmuffs. I honestly thought of you as I was drawing him! I suspect that Batman has a wonderfully rich baritone.

    Happy Holidays!

    p.s. Sorry about the toothache.

  5. Wonder if they'll space out the release of the final WATCHMEN issues, for extra authenticity?

  6. I'm thrilled for the Starman Omnibus as well...but it's being advance solicited and won't actually be out until February.

    And I'm a huge sucker for Holiday specials (or as we call it a my house, Christmas). Vive la Differance!

  7. Maybe this will be the year I actually get some comix for Christmas! Some of these comics!

  8. How is it that you didn't mention the Christopher Reeve as Superman statue? That thing is pretty damn great.

  9. I actually meant to mention the statue. It is so beautiful. But I can't look at it without crying.
