You can say a lot of things about Dr Light, but you can't say he doesn't love to say the word 'rape.'

Dr Light was a joke, then he was a scary rapist, then he was a lobotomized joke, and now he's a scary guy again...who loves to talk about rape.

He even gets all metaphorical talking about rape. You can start a conversation with him, and he will find a way to bring it back to rape.

Did somebody say 'rape?' You'd better believe he likes rape!

Gee whiz, dude! Why don't you just change your name to Dr Rape and get it over with! You'd think you didn't have any totally awesome super powers!
Although I will admit, this little dig is funny. I'd say it's worth having him clumsily insert a rape reference into a conversation to get this insult out:

Ha! Green Arrow gets hot for arrows! Just like Dr Light gets hot for rape!
1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»I can't say for certain what Meltzer had in mind for the long term in regards to Dr. Light's proclivities, but didn't it seem like Winick took it way out as far as he could?
It's like Winick could only remember one detail about Dr Light, and he just ran with it.
Captain MindWipe and the Rape Patrol: the new original series by Judd Winick.
Just call him Rapey McRapeRape and be done with it. geez!
That guy loves to rape.
You guys need to read this. It's one of many hilarious posts on a blog that pretends to teach the art of screenplay writing but is actually much more funny and sinister. And it is entirely germane to the topic under discussion.
That was funny, matthew e.
You know who would like that movie? Dr Light.
I used to get really pissed off when people made allegations of how DC was "rape happy", even though there was just one rape scene in the last couple of years in the mainstream DC books (Identity Crisis). Then this happens.
As good as Superman/Shazam: First Thunder was, there are times when I think that Judd Winick is not a very good writer.
It seems that a lot of people hate Judd Winick. I actually like him most of the time. I like the way he write villains, usually. I was a big Barry Ween fan, so I guess that's why I still give Winick the benefit of the doubt.
But, yeah, there isn't a lot of rape in the DCU. There's just a lot of that one rape.
It makes me think of that musical at the beginning of Team America. Just substitute the word "rape" for "AIDS."
"But, yeah, there isn't a lot of rape in the DCU. There's just a lot of that one rape."
That's the thing -- this isn't an appalling event that slipped into some dying turd of a book while editorial wasn't looking, it's the ordered-from-the-top foundational event for a dismal, dreary, and all-around lousy run of DC Comics.
It's ironic, really. Meltzer wanted to make Dr. Light a formidable villain again, but now he's just too creepy for the DCU, while also being one-note. The sooner he dies the better.
And yeah, I was reminded of RAPEBEAR too. Though that didn't use the word "rape" nearly as often, it seems.
Supervillain #1: Should we bring Dr. Light in on this?
Supervillain #2: Hell no! I want to demonstrate my new Vectortron, not listen to him go on and on about rape for the thousandth time. And you KNOW he's going to somehow pull the subject around to that within about fifteen minutes.
Supervillain #1: Yeah, I guess you're right. He's really kind of uncomfortable to be around, now that I think about it.
The best part is when Dr Light more or less asks Green Arrow if he's ever been raped. "I assume you've experienced only the latter personally."
Ew. None of your business, Doc.
"Supervillain #1: Should we bring Dr. Light in on this?
Supervillain #2: Hell no! I want to demonstrate my new Vectortron, not listen to him go on and on about rape for the thousandth time. And you KNOW he's going to somehow pull the subject around to that within about fifteen minutes.
Supervillain #1: Yeah, I guess you're right. He's really kind of uncomfortable to be around, now that I think about it."
It's like that one issue of Preacher:
Klansman: "You notice how all Odin talks about is hating niggers?"
Other Klansman: "Isn't that why we're all here?"
First Klansman: "Yeah, but he just goes on and on... I mean, I have other interests. For instance, the other night me and Billy had a very stimulating conversation about tractor pulls."
To be fair, it's worth mentioning this issue was written by J. Calafiore, not Judd Winick -- just so you know who to mock.
Carry on!
Ah, good call, Anonymous (who I can only assume is actually Judd Winick hoping to clear his name).
I come clean right now and admit that I scanned those panels from the trade that I own, which didn't let me know that Winick hadn't written that particular issue. That said, this Calafiore guy was writing in the style of Winick, so we can still blame Winick.
Me thinks Mr. Winick has seen The Fantasticks a few too many times...
A pretty rape!
A literary rape!
We've the obvious open schoolboy rape,
With little mandolins and perhaps a cape.
The rape by coach; it's little in request.
The rape by day, but the rape by night is best.
Just try to see it.
And you will soon agree, señors,
Invite regret,
When you can get the sort of rape
You'll never ever forget.
You can get the rape emphatic.
You can get the rape polite.
You can get the rape with Indians:
A very charming sight.
You can get the rape on horseback;
They'll all say it's new and gay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
It depends on what you
The kids will love it.
It depends on what you pay!
So why be stingy?
It depends on what you --
The spectacular rape,
With costumes ordered from the East.
Requires rehearsal
And takes a dozen men at least.
A couple of singers,
And a string quartet.
A major production.
Requires a set.
Sounds expensive!
Just try to see it.
And you will soon si,si señors,
Invite regret,
When you can get the sort of rape
You'll never ever forget.
You can get the rape emphatic.
You can get the rape polite.
You can get the rape with Indians:
A very charming sight.
You can get the rape on horseback;
They'll all say it's new and gay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
It depends on what you
So why be stingy?
It depends on what you pay!
The kids will love it.
It depends on what you --
The comic rape.
Perhaps it's just a trifle too unique.
Romantic rape:
Done while canoeing on a moonlit creek.
The gothic rape!
I play "Valkyrie" on a bass bassoon!
The drunken rape.
It's done completely in a cheap saloon.
The rape Venetian
Needs a blue lagoon.
The rape with moonlight
Or without a moon.
Moonlight is expensive but it's in demand.
The military rape:
It's done with drummer and a band.
You understand?
I understand.
It's very grand.
It's very grand.
It's done with drums and a great big brass band!
Just try to see it.
I see it!
I see it!
And you will soon si,si señors,
Invite regret,
When you can get the sort of rape
You'll never ever forget.
You can get the rape emphatic.
You can get the rape polite.
You can get the rape with Indians:
A very charming sight.
You can get the rape on horseback;
They'll all say it's new and gay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
So you see the sort of rape
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.
Depends on what you pay.
So why be stingy?
It depends on what you pay!
The kids will love it.
It depends on what you
I do believe that Kyle Baker's last couple issues of Plastic Man made just such a crack about him changing his name to Dr. Rape...
Ew. Ew. Ew.
Way to miss the point, Winick. Dr. Light is all wrong; it's not about "a cool way to fire sharp projectiles with deadly force"; if that were the case, Ollie would be using a crossbow or compound bow. Archery is about the process. If you do the process right, you get the result you want. Most recurve and longbow shooters would sneer at a crossbow; certainly Ollie would.
And this is yet one more example of how Winick is a hack.
Remember.... during his Grell series Green Arrow was raped by Shado while unconscious... she became pregnant.
I w3onder how many times Dr Light says the word rape on 1 comic book. I'll have to start counting them.
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