Friday, December 05, 2008

Those Who Hunt Elves

...shan't be laid.

File this under "nothing you could say would ever make me read this comic."


  1. Augh! The tied-up elf lady! I just noticed her!

    Damn you, manga!

  2. Anonymous3:03 p.m.

    I was kind of on board until I noticed the naked chick tied to a plank for no reason.

    What the hell?

  3. They lost me at the word 'elves.'

  4. Or is it the best white elephant gift ever?

  5. How long before the inevitable "actually, it's a really good manga..." post?

  6. Anonymous12:47 a.m.

    Yes, because God forbid people defend comics they like.

  7. I remember seeing this in the video store when I was about 12, my parents would never let me rent it. I should probably go thank them.

  8. I've seen like two episodes of this. From what I remember the heroes have to track down a bunch of spells that have been tattooed on a bunch of random elves. And they only vaguely know which elves have the tattoos so they have to trick elves they suspect of having a tattoo into stripping down. I forget why. The only other thing I remember about it is one of the hunters is a talking cat. And there was an episode with ghosts...

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