Saturday, January 17, 2009

Batman Died for our Sins

So something totally insane and messed up and horrifying happened to Batman this week.

Check it out:


And if that isn't bad enough, the comic is full of shocking scenes of violence, including this brutal death scene:

I am appalled at the levels DC will sink to just to increase their sales numbers. It can only be described as sensationalist and disgusting.*

Bonus panel:

Aquaman doesn't give a fuck.

* I am kidding. All panels are from Superfriends #11. Also, Final Crisis was awesome.


  1. I for one applaud your ferocious honesty.

  2. This is beautiful, even if it were taken out of the very unpleasant context.

    But will this post get you a job writing for Marvel???!!!

  3. Anonymous4:54 a.m.

    I'm simply glad to be alive to witness this moment in comics history. They said it would never happen!

  4. I can't see how you can read this comic and still call yourself a feminist.

  5. Aaahhh! Veggie violence!

  6. Ha! This made my day, thx

  7. I think all issues of Super-Friends should be filtered through the Goddamn Batman lense.

  8. Anonymous10:41 a.m.

    Oh, God Bless You!:)

  9. Anonymous4:32 p.m.

    Every comic you ever read is awesome. Why bother?

  10. Oh My GOD; this is a horror, Superman gets better and Batman gets worse. I shall never read "Grant Morrison's" Batman, I guess I won't.

    I want to write for Marvel but not for DC, DC write great comics but my imagination doesn't easily adapt with their universe. If the pleasure happened to both you and me Rachelle to write in Marvel; I'll be honored to meet you in the flesh
