Monday, January 12, 2009


I just want to let you guys know what's going on.

I haven't abandoned you, I just have been having computer problems. I had to format my harddrive, but my computer is finally working again. Which means my scanner is finally working again! Unfortunately, I lost important blogging programs like Photoshop. So I have to reinstall that.

ALSO...I am pretty much out of space here on Blogger, so I am moving this blog to pretty soon. My plan is to bring over all the old posts to the new site so everything will be in one place. I am just working on the design now.

Hopefully that Best of 2008 post was long enough to tide you over a bit. I'll be posting again as soon as I get Photoshop reinstalled. It's been far too long without a Super Hunk rating!


  1. See ya at the new site. And when deciding on a new Super Hunk, may I point out the criminal lack of Spiderman?

  2. I had no idea blogger had size constraints. I suppose I simply don't use mine enough.

  3. Anonymous6:16 p.m.

    I hope the site move goes smoothly, and I can't wait for the next super hunk review!

  4. Hawkman! He;s the gold standard in burly shirtlessness!

  5. "I am pretty much out of space here on Blogger"

    What does that mean?

  6. Blogger only gives you so much space for posting images, and I have almost used all of it. So I have to move to a bigger website. But that's cool because I have been wanting to do that anyway.

  7. Computer problems are the bane of our modern existance. On the other hand, a new Super Hunk would be awfully nice.

    Guy Gardner of course, would beat everybody. Especially Hawkman.

  8. I'm going to second Zak's comment about Spider-man: Peter has to be the next super hunk.

    I also think that DD should be re-evaluated in light of his sexy affair with Dakota North.

  9. Anonymous8:49 p.m.

    -bakes a cake saying "OBSIDIAN GOES NEXT" made out of his tears and back issues of Infinity Inc-

  10. Without being a smart ass ...get a Mac. I have had an iMac for about two years now and nary a problem.

  11. Believe me, if I could afford a new computer, I would get one.

    It's up and running now. I still have to get the scanner installed and I can't find the damn disc for that, but otherwise I should be posting again soon.

  12. Good luck at the new site.

  13. Anonymous4:13 p.m.

    Joe Blow said "Without being a smart ass ...get a Mac. I have had an iMac for about two years now and nary a problem."

    Please do not trust Mr. Blow. While I'm a Mac user myself, they're far from perfect, as I found last week when my MacBook's hard drive ate all my data (most of it was backed up, but still pretty annoying...). In the meantime, I have only my hate and your back posts to keep me warm...
    Keep 'em coming and good luck with the new site!

  14. It's an epidemic! Lousy computers. It's a PLOT, I tell ya!

  15. Anonymous1:32 a.m.

    I hope the computer gets well soon!
