Mr Cooke was kind enough to give us boxes of comics he didn't want. Our job is to choose issues at random and write about them.
Hawkman #49
I think maybe it's time I paid more attention to Hawkman. Clearly I have been missing out.

Hawkman always looks pretty cool, and I have always appreciated his bold shirtless look, but it's just a crime that he's been hiding that pretty face all this time.

And that's some pretty good hair. And nicely-sculpted eyebrows. Normally his face looks like this:

This is the last Hawkman issue before the One Year Later shift. It's post Rann-Thanagar War. Some stuff happens...some fighting...or something...
I just really can't get past this:

This comic gets a thumbs up from me. Just don't ask me what it's about.
Amen, sister.
Goodness, he is quite delicious isn't he? I was going crazy trying to figure out where her other leg was in the first scan, but I found it, so never mind.
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