There's been a lot of talk about sexism in comics this week. Let's take an ironic break from that and rate another superhunk.
This week's challenger:
Magnus, Robot Fighter
Costume/Appearance: It takes a real man to fight robots while wearing nothing but a very short shift dress and white go-go boots. I consider Magnus to be the great equalizer when it comes to comic book cheesecakery. There are so many ridiculous, impractical female superhero costumes out there, and yet this guy might have one of the silliest. And most blatantly sexual.

It's a very short skirt. And this comic offers consistent upskirt shots, something that is seldom seen in a male superhero comic. The truth is, Magnus should look ridiculous, but he doesn't. He's got a fantastic body, and he shows it off. Plus, he's got really nice features. Great hair, steely blue eyes, powerful eyebrows. He's an attractive guy.

Plus, I really like that belt with the big "M" on it.
Oh, and sometimes his costume gets ripped so it's even skimpier.
10/10Alter-Ego: Doesn't really have one. He's actually a pretty famous dude in the year 4000. A hero of the people. This is usually the section where I talk about a hero's personality, though, so I'll do that.

Despite appearances, Magnus is a pretty macho guy. I mean, he spends most of his time fighting robots. And sexing his lady-friend, Leeja.

He seems like a nice guy, but can be kind of whiny. He's always saying he doesn't want to do one thing or another. He's conflicted about fighting robots sometimes, and he can be a little emo about his robot up-bringing. But generally, he's all man.
Dayjob: He fights robots.
Sexiness of Powers: Magnus has superhuman strength which allows him to destroy robots with his bare hands. That's pretty much it, but that ain't bad.
Cons: After issue #25 of the Valiant series, Magnus started wearing lame-looking armor when he fought robots. Booooo. I'm taking off a couple points for that decision.
- 2Final Score: 35/40

I heart Magnus. His comics are like the Harlequin romance novels of comics. He puts on a little dress, fights some robots, flexes his muscles, maybe takes his top off, maybe makes out with someone, and you're done. Very easy to follow, and very easy on the eyes.
"It's head... LOOK!"
Magnus, buddy, if you hear that sort of thing a lot, maybe your skirt is too short. Just sayin'.
His costume is still more macho than Tyroc's.
He should get extra points because he hangs up his dress at the end of a long day of robot-fighting. He doesn't throw his clothes on the floor like most men.
Magnus is better than chocolate, shoes, and chocolate shoes.
I love how that woman is taking the opportunity to grope his ass in that antepenultimate panel.
The panels you choose are always absolutely hilarious. I outright cackled with glee in seeing "It's head! LOOK!". And I happen to harbor a soft spot for men in skirts. Awesome.
Rocket packs and miniskirts - the perfect combination.
By the way, this is one of my favorite ongoing features ever! It makes me giggle like a chipmunk every time a new one comes up.
Magnus pioneered open hand robot fighting and for that should be revered.
You just have to respect someone who fights robots. If for no other reason, then because he can probably mess you up.
I'll bet his business cards are awesome.
"The Robot Fighter"
We fight robots so you don't have to.
Tel: ####### Fax: #######
Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30 Sat-Sun 12:00-5:00
Robots fought for $6.15 per ton, special rates for cyborgs.
I love this feature, too, and the scores have been pretty much dead-on.
I love that you're pulling from all over. Mangus! I'd have never guessed.
Any chance of some pulp hunks like Doc Savage?
Or maybe a mutie hunk like Colossus or Nightcrawler? Marvel must have better hunks than Captain America, right? Right?
Well! That's...that's some outfit he has there. And according to the one panel where his dress is ripped, he's also going commando! Which really makes the picnic scene special, as he sits there, with his legs spread and all.
Magnus isn't afraid to let it all hang out! Alas, he does seem to be using underwear later on. And that's a very Hal Jordanesque hairstyle.
I give him a woohoo. Not a WOOHOO!, but a woohoo nevertheless.
So that's where Zapp Brannigan got his outfit from.
Two things:
1) It's a tunic, not a dress. Very manly.
2) Magnus is awesome. He takes off the heads of robots with his bare frigging hands and they yell "SQUEEEE!!". One of my all time favorite comics. True story.
Your pal,
mike drake
I don't know, Mike. When Jane Jetson wore that outfit, it was a dress. Tunic + no pants = dress?
It's totally a dress.
I'm not really a Valiant reader so I have no idea who Magnus is aside from the stuff your wrote about him. He's hot!
You only need to know two things about him:
a) he's hot
b) he fights robots
Check out the artist's version of Tarzan of the Apes. OOO yeah!
Magnus himself once referred to his TUNIC, but whichever way you look at it ( preferably from below)it's one hot number, especially the ripped pic. More please Magnus!
No doubt that when comics were abundant and you could find about everything out there many super heroes were just plain silly, my point is clear watching this on.
Magnus is a strong superhero that never was so popular. He has enormous skills to defense The Earth and to eliminate the villains.
The outfit is very very gay, even the look of him is very fruity.
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As a long time fancier of Magnus I'd love to see what Patrick Fillion would do with that outfit. If it's shortissimo now wait til he's finished with it. Woooweeeee !
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