Buddy Baker, aka Animal Man

Costume/Appearance: Orange is a tough colour to pull off. Teaming it with royal blue is daring. Adding triangular goggles sounds like it would definitely be going too far. But somehow Animal Man makes all of this work. I think it's the black (blue?) jacket. It breaks up all the orange and makes the whole thing look tougher.

Or, the right half.

Sans costume, Buddy is a nice-looking guy with blonde floppy hair and blue eyes. Unfortunately, he's been the victim of some pretty bad art. Plus his glory years were the unattractive late 80s/early 90s. But if you ignore all this, he's a looker.

Personality: The thing about Buddy is that he's not the most awesome hero, or the coolest guy, but he's a nice guy without being a giant wiener. Actually, he is pretty cool. For him being a super hero is a job, and he does it to support his family because he happens to have super powers, and he may as well use them. I like that attitude. Unfortunately he gets a little preachy with the animal rights stuff and the vegetarianism, but I blame Grant Morrison.

Buddy is also a family man, which is a pretty important aspect of his character. Not only does he have a wife and two kids, he also doesn't have a secret identity. He's an interesting case, that Animal Man.

Day Job: Full-Time hero. (Actually, more like part-time).

Sexiness of Powers: Buddy can take on the abilities of any animal in his vicinity. More often then not, the results are more gross than sexy. But it does mean that, in most circumstances, he's pretty damn powerful.


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Final Score: 31/40
Woah, does that tie him up with Hal Jordan? It does! Good work, Buddy. You'd be a better boyfriend than Hal any day. And your hair would be fun to rumple.

Ah, Buddy. Wotta guy.
He's definitely one of the most down-to-earth heroes in the DC Universe, even though Grant Morrison-level weird shit happens to him all the time. How could you *not* likem him?
Married to Ellen Baker: +3
...'cause I trust her judgement more than any wife in comics.
Yes, even Barda.
Waittasecond-- Vegatarianism!? A minus!? Can you really eat the creatures... with whom you feel? Sure we may block out the voices of the beasts... but Buddy Baker can't... Buddy Baker can't...
Vegatarianism is always a minus. It's in the rulebook.
Hmmm...I don't know that I'd put him at the same total as Hal Jordan, but Buddy IS adorable. And nice, and kind. I have to admit that I love the jacket...so that he has a place to put stuff. Kyle Rayner got caught in a bar in "Hitman" without any cash, so when it was his turn to buy a round, he stiffed them, and they basically threw him out. Wouldn't happen with ol' Buddy!
He's happily married with kids, and so far, they haven't been murdered and/or cut up into tiny little pieces. This is a GOOD thing.
Go Buddy! (But Hal's still cuter.)
Buddy is in a stable relationship, caring and concerned father, loves animals, and when channeling the right animal powers, could be a lot of fun in the sack.
How can anyone not love ole Buddy?
Don't you know that vegetarians taste better?
Um, not sure what to tell sallyp here that wouldn't be a spoiler...
You should read the Animal Man series, but be prepared for surprises, not all good.
Go Buddy!
But that's a dangerously suggestive pose that he's striking with the Mirror Master there.
Aackk! You mean they HAVE been murdered and cut up into little pieces?
But they all appear to be ok now, and that's the main thing!
Despite been a fictional character we all seem to like him a lot.. hehehe sounds like we get to confuse reality some times. But that's part of the fun in all this.
Animal man ? I don't understand the strange power of this guy!
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