Friday, August 31, 2007

A Batman Costume Parade!

Hey it's my birthday on Sunday, so I'm gonna count down to it the best way I know how...

...a Batman costume parade!

Not the Bat costume...the costumes Batman wears over the Bat costume! They're awesome!

We'll start the fun with this little number from Batman Adventures Annual #1:

I think the briefcase was a nice touch.


SallyP said...

The briefcase was both a fashion accessory, and handy. I really liked that kicky little red beret the bad guy was wearing however.

Skeleton Munroe said...

He should totally just ditch the cowl and wear the beard-and-hat combo from now on.

Anonymous said...

Even Batman knows the greatest fashion accessories are dual purpose.

I almost have no idea what that means...

how to develop an android app said...

The costume is really cool. The Cape is just awesome. I really love it.

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