All that I really wanted to say about this week's comics anyway was that ACTION COMICS WAS TOTALLY AMAZING AND GREAT!

Seriously. It was so good I can hardly stand it. You really don't need to wait for the new issue of All-Star Superman to get your awesome Superman craving satisfied. Especially if you love the Superman movies at all. And I DO.
The art is amazing. I can't wait for more of this.

his legion of super-heroes arc was the first comic i had bought in years and now AC is first on my list. i went back and got the busiek stuff, which i loved, too (it wasn't until recently that i noticed that johns scripted it a lot of it. well, that explains it.) long story short, im back to six books a month. it's been too long.
It's true. I went out and bought this, and I practically never buy Superman stuff. But the art was beautiful, and the story was fun, so what's not to like?
A couple of weeks ago I dropped Action from my pull list, but felt the need to pick this recent issue up and I don't think its going back on the pull, but I will definitely be seeing it next go around.
I rarely buy Superman comics (historically), but Gary Frank's art combined with good word of mouth got me to try the first issue of the LoSH arc. I've been hooked ever since and this one was the best yet. And since James "Starman" Robinson is writing the other Superman title it looks like I'll be buying TWO Superman titles a month. Who'd've thunk it.
It's exciting and wacky times for comic books. I mean, I currently have Amazing Spider-Man, Uncanny X-Men AND Ghost Rider on my pull list!
And I just added Supergirl!
I love what Gary Frank did with Lois and Clark...they look so much like Margot Kidder and Christopher Reeve, but without really clubbing you on the head with it or being a photorealistic interpretation. What a great tribute. And the story was well written, too.
i concur with caesar. lois looking like margot kidder is strikingly awesome! so much so i needed to leave a comment saying so. love!
You have it exactly right. This issue FELT like All-Star Superman without being anything like it.
If the post-FC Superman can be a little more classic, a little more Silver Agey, a little more All-Star, I'll be happy.
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