School is over forever in about six weeks. My band is in Atlanta tonight playing a show with the Black Lips, and I am home writing marketing case study reports. Sigh.
It's times like this that I need a hit of comic book craziness. Because only comic books can deliver complete fantastic nonsense like this:

I SO feel you, Rachelle. I've been a negligent blogger for a few weeks, with all those "real life" things. Haven't even walked into my LCS in 3 weeks! Good luck with your gig tonight; my own band has one tomorrow and I'm getting CDs and materials ready for that as I type! :)
Boy, those three are really swift on the uptake, aren't they? "No Doctor's office" inDEED!
Real life can be SO tiresome.
Robin's line is ten times funnier if you picture the three heroes sitting in the waiting room for half-an-hour before trying the door.
Dumpty's enemies also include spoons, the sides of bowls and counters, and bad Vaudeville comedians.
Wow, there is a lot of worthwhile material above!
Ugh. Stupid boring real life ? come on sweetheart don't say that, just catch a boyfriend and enjoy the life ;)
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