I wrote about why I love superhero friendships for their I Heart Comics blog feature. Check it out!
And here's a panel that didn't make the cut:

In other I-am-totally-famous news, the latest issue of Mother Jones features a really good article by Charlie Anders about Supergirl and other women in comics. People quoted in the article are Gail Simone, Kurt Busiek, Brian K Vaughan...and me. They don't mention the name of my blog, but clearly it's because I am a household name.
Hey, glad you liked the article. You are totally a household name. I read your blog religiously, and in fact I almost didn't mention your name. I was just going to call you "irate Canadian lass," and figured everybody would know who that was referring to. Seriously, at least one of the last drafts I looked at mentioned the name of your blog, so I'm not sure what happened. I suspect it was cut for space reasons, or because of a random glitch. Sorry about that.
First post on the post of fame!
Or something.
Congrats on the writeup thingy, it was a good one :)
....well okay, second and third post.
Still not too shabby.
Congrats! You and your blog deserve the recognition.
Excellent article Rachelle. I think you hit the nail on the head as to JLI's attraction.
It was an excellent article Rachelle, and congratulations. I loved your definition of the old Giffen/DeMatteis JLI. It WAS a clubhouse! They seemed to spend more time stuffing oreos, playing jokes and bickering than actually fighting, but I loved it to death.
Glee. Did you know I look forward to this blog every day just as much as my new comics every week? You bring such joy to our lives! XD
[/gush] ;-P
I'm having a hard time getting over how much I loved your post. I've already posted about it on newsarama twice. btw... you really need to read this month's Iron Fist for some great friends-backing-up-friends action.
Thanks so much everyone! I appreciate it!
Bradydale: I loved this month's Iron Fist. It had some great friend stuff in it.
Very fun article. I will also miss Blue Beetle Hearts Booster Gold. Could we, perhaps, look forward to (new)Blue Beetle Hearts Guy Gardner?
I'd like to see new Blue Beetle hearts new Aquaman.
Loved the article on Newsarama, and I'm now making my way through your archives. Great stuff. Thanks for sharing it.
Your article had several good points to it, and I was very happy to read an article that was both articulate and shared some ideas that I had creeping around my head.
I'd really like to read that Charlie Anders article, if you know a link to it. I looked up the mag, but they won't let me see the article. :(
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