Ummmm...to get really hammered?

Also: hey kids! Wanna be invisible?! Just sink a cup of mouthwash, orange juice and a couple of aspirins and then stick radio parts in your shoes! Science!
How many kids died trying this?
Panels are taken from Action Comics #286.
This is just plain stupid and completely inaccurate. I mean, everyone knows that for this to work, Part B has to be in your left hand and Part A in your right hand to counter the impedance caused by the aortic arch. Geez!
As a side note, if you replace the orange juice with apple juice, your body becomes intangible.
Ah, Science, how we adore thee :)
In addition to becoming invisible, Lex also has minty fresh breath, vitamin C, and no headaches!
God, I love Science!
That'd be sweet if in the next panel he gets smacked by that big ole truck cause he's just drunk and thinks he's invisble
Actually, I remember a story where Lex escaped jail via much cooler means.
He thought his way out
Yes, positive thinking (and an all natural diet) allowed him to walk through walls. Of course, he wound up taking a detour through Hell, but eh, them's the breaks.
Lex is better than MacGyver.
He also made a time ray from a light bulb, a flashlight and orange juice:
oh wow. the only thing i could think, the entire time i was reading this, is "when did Lex gain all that weight?"
which is incredibly stupid for an overweight woman to think. but there it is. because fat people are already invisible...
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