I haven't had a chance to finish reading all of my comics from the past week, plus I am working on my epic 'Best of 2008' post. I did want to mention this about Terra #4:
I wish all mini-series ended with the lead characters going shopping and getting sushi for several pages. I love it!
It's true, there should be some down-time between adventures. The shopping and sushi-eating was ALMOST as good as Jaime's barbecue from Blue Beetle #25.
Gosh, I love Amanda Connor's art.
Sometimes I think every comic should have Amanda Conner art.
Really? I always think every comic should have Amanda Conner art. I can't wait for that Power Girl monthly!
But if every comic has Amanda Conner art, what comics will have Dustin Nguyen art?
I wish the whole world looked like Amanda Conner art!
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