So here's a panel from Showcase Presents World's Finest. I think the possibilities for what Batman is thinking and Lois is saying are endless.

The winner gets a copy of the recently re-published Nexus The Origin comic, signed by Steve Rude, courtesy of Strange Adventures. It's certified and everything, so you know I didn't just write S.Rude on a comic.
Alright! Get to work! Make me proud!
Too fun. Here's my effort!
Hope you're feeling better soon :)
mm. I gave my post above a tinyurl to link to the same image ;)
Batman: "Of all the dumb things I've ever done, not letting the boy scout marry her was the dumbest."
Lois: "Are you listening to me!?"
Batman (thinking): "If I were the Joker's boner, where would I be?"
Lois: "Always with the Joker's boner! What about *my* needs?!"
Robin (in drag): "Thank goodness we've cracked the case, Batman. Now I can go back to being a boy again!"
Batman (thinking): "How do I tell him that the Bat-Hormone Therapy is permanent?"
Batman (thinking): Why, if I take Lois to the Weather Fair, she'll never realize I'm actually Metamorpho dressed like Batman pretending to be Green Lantern disguised as Superman pretending to be Batman! Daddy-O!
Lois: Batman, your jaw is as wide as the Atlantic Ocean! You must be Aquaman pretending to be Plastic Man acting like he's Hawkman pretending to be Oliver Queen acting like he's Batman! Just like last week!
Lois: "Seriously, Bruce, I just can't give oral to an uncut man! It's not sanitary!"
Batman (thinking): "Well, I guess you shouldn't have been such a prude while you were dating, little miss 'I'm-saving-myself-for-marriage!'"
BATMAN: Must choose something clever for that Steve Rude panel contest so Lois can win that signed comic........
LOIS: Hurry up! You're not buying a car here!
Eh, I like Steve Rude's art. :D
Hope you get better soon!
Its currently the only thing on my mind and its all I got.
oh, and the link is...
Long time reader first time commenter.
My husband and I both think you're fantastic and wish you all the best. Hope you like it.
Here's a few
Batman: "Scorpio - your best friend's girl has been giving you the eye lately, and today she may take it one step further"
Lois: "Hey, Batman, has this Batmobile of yours got a back seat?"
Batman:"Hmmm...SWF seeks brooding, non-metahuman stud to spice up her life. No goody-goodies. Into toys and hot cars. Cowls ok; tights a must."
Lois:"Bruce, are you done with the paper yet? I REALLY need Tim to read that."
My submission
The Scott Kurtz strip I borrowed liberally from.
Your blog is great. Keep it up.
ps. Everybody here needs to be reading Sharkman (unless gore bothers you) if you aren't already.
Batman: Bloody Hell! There aren't any ads for carpet removal in the classifieds?!
Lois: Are you going to get going or what? It never stopped Superman...
I hope this isn't too off-colour... Mike B
Nifty! here's my TWO entries! Because I'm an overachiever.
B: damn, Alfred was right! You can't turn newspaper pages in these new extra-slick bat-gloves(c)!
L: Oh my God! Look - at - the - size of his head!
I haz dun 1 but it iz lame.
The Savage Love cosplay letter entry is the most perfect use of Batman holding a newspaper I've ever seen.
I also really enjoy the entry that features Batman constantly thinking "My parents are dead!"
B: If she asks me one more time if she gets mentioned....
L: Does it mention me?
Martha Wayne: No, you may not dress as a bat and fight crime, Bruce! I don't care if the city is an open wound filled with the seeping pus of criminal activity! Go to your room!
Batman: (thinks) Why you old HAG! I wish you'd been shot by a mugger thirty years ago!
Batman: The one about the cat isn't funny at all. What does is mean? Lasagne: could it be a mafia job?"
Lois: "Bruce, the Riddler hid a clue in the funny pages one time five years ago.
Batman: I told Lois to make me a coffee ages ago and she hasn’t even budged yet!
Lois: … Bruce? Get the @#$% coffee yourself. And while you’re at it, make mine with 2 creams and a sugar. And Bruce? Make it snappy!
Batman:Oh no! my annoying reporter repellant is broken!
Lois: and so clark was like this....and superman is so dreamly I would like to marry him someday you know....
I'm probably too late to play, but here's mine anyway.
I was bored and I colored it, too.
Yeah, I'm pretty dorky...
Hello Rachelle:)
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