In it, we get to see Spider-Man, Daredevil and Namor fight each other for no reason. We see rampant brooding by both Spider-Man and Daredevil. We see no brooding whatsoever from Namor. And we get to see Spider-Man make a statement which is grossly inaccurate:

I hope you guys like brooding, because here comes a pile of it:

Time for Spidey to lay down some mad introspection. Although he does his out loud:

Thank God this thing shows up and stops all the whining:

Anyway, Daredevil shows up and makes some false assumptions based on nothing:

They fight and Daredevil gets his ass handed to him. Which is satisfying:

Spider-Man shows up before Daredevil gets himself killed. He immediately starts attacking Namor as well. Namor responds by kicking him in the face:

So Spider-Man, because he's kind of a jerk I guess, decides to wail on Namor for awhile to prove he's a better hero than Daredevil.

So they fight for awhile instead of addressing the real threat, which is that glowing thing that showed up.
Instead they capture Namor in a net. With entertaining results:

This story gets resolved in an issue of Spider-Man which I don't have.
Look Homeward, Angel was a book by Thomas Wolfe. Roy Thomas was constantly throwing little literary references like that in his scripts back then, it was one reason why Marvel comics had the rep of being popular on college campuses in the late 60's. I think he even wrote Tom Wolfe into an issue of Doctor Strange about this time.
Believe it or not, once upon a time Daredevil's persona was a wisecracking cavalier adventurer type, like his name, and all the angst was left for Matt Murdock, mostly in the form of his unrequited love for Karen Page. we have Frank Miller, and later Bendis and Brubaker, to thank for the current mope.
OMG, I think I actually HAD this comic at one point. I don't remember how this fight was resolved though. :-(
Namor may be cranky, but at least he doesn't keep moaning about it.
This issue is so full of angst it makes my heart hurt just being near it.
But your hilarious exclamation of an Arby's craving makes up for it.
You know, I know it has moved onto beyond cliche now that when hero's meet up they have to fight for no reason, but like, I think it is better than what it used to be like. They even admit in their thought bubbles to be fighting for no reason.
Oh, also I like how the crowd in the background where DD first starts fighting all know he is going to get his ass kicked.
I loved Gene Colan's Daredevil and Namor. Brooding aside, this is beautiful art, isn't it?
johnny b - aaaahh...thanks for clearing that up about the Thomas Wolfe book. It makes more sense now.
daniel - the artwork is amazing. Namor, especially, looks great. I love this era of Daredevil.
I love that classic Stan Lee-ism "It's a gimmick for some movie," spoken by a random New Yorker.
Here, it's actually a non-Stan use of the trope, but I swear this line, or something like it, probably appears in 2 out of every 3 Stan Lee scripts....
Good God,Spidey IS unsensitive! I guess he can say in his defense he never knew Matt "saw" (?) Elektra dying in his arms or i assume that was later on. I don´t think Spidey knew about Matt Murdock "seeing" (again?)the greatest love of his life come back as a lowlife jukie prostitute who in an act similar to what many addicts do to get their dose, contributed to destroy his life and in any way you can see it he HAD to forgive her. Shame on you Spidey, shame on you.
This is perfect because I like when I can get all those superheroes in the same comic, that's perfect because I like when Daredevil hit and kick the Spiderman's ass.
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