Lex and Lana are leaving the cast, which makes the list of people who are no longer on a show called Smallville, who really should be on a show called Smallville, a little bit longer.
- Lana Lang
- Lex Luthor
- Pete Ross
- Martha Kent
- Jonathan Kent
That seems kinda wrong to me. Also, Lionel Luthor is gone. So, really, what's the point?
AND...the following characters ARE on a show called Smallville, who really shouldn't be:
- Lois Lane
- Jimmy Olsen
- Martian Manhunter
- Green Arrow
- Doomsday
Well, at least Chloe is still around. And apparently Supergirl isn't going to be back.
Er, I mean...I don't still watch Smallville.
Well, at least Chloe is still around. And apparently Supergirl isn't going to be back.
Er, I mean...I don't still watch Smallville.
I misread that as "Just in case anyone still cares about Somerville..." and was like "I do! I live there! Shut up!"
Small what? Oh I'm sorry, I thought this series finished like... a trillion years ago ^^;
The ever expanding Smallville continuity bubble is amazing.
I swear, if that show keeps coming we will one day see them do Kingdom Come Smallville.
And it will be awesome!
Small what? Oh I'm sorry, I thought this series finished like... a trillion years ago ^^;
I WISH this series had finished a trillion years ago.
Or not started in the first place and instead be realized as a far more kickass and logical show on HBO.
Smallville only really works for me if I pretend it's about a character who doesn't eventually grow up to be Superman. But then, why even bother?
That being said, I'm sure I'll watch the Legion episode out of curiosity and some misguided desire to "give Smallville another shot" (not that that ever ends well for me.
Now, now. Everyone really needs to lay off my favorite show about gum.
It's not smallville without Lex
I completely lost interested halfway through last season. They should have bowed out gracefully a long time ago. If the writers were very intent on still writing for a Superman-related series, they should have ended Smallville and started off as Superman with a slew of new characters. And, sure, kept Tom Welling around if he's still interested in the part.
As it stands, the writers at Smallville are just beating a dead horse with new characters that just don't belong in there in the first place. It's depressing.
I really don't want to watch this show anymore. I haven't wanted to watch the show for three seasons and I still do for the off chance that an awesome apology will happen and redeem the sixty... some-odd hours of my life I can't get back. The Flash and Green Arrow are some of my all time favorite characters, but not the ones on this show. DOOMSDAY SHOULD NOT BE ON THIS SHOW!!!! I’ll still watch this season since I know it’s the last and I’m a whore for Comic Book Adaptations. I’m really looking forward to being disappointed in the LOSH episode that won’t be done well enough for a fan boy like me.
I stopped loving Smallville halfway through season 5. Taking Jonathan off the show because of Clark's relationship with Lana did it for me. I saw bits of season 6 and watched most of season 7 hoping it would get better. (And of course it didn't.)
I wish season 4 would have been better and the writers could have ended the series with Clark throwing the crystal in the Arctic.
maybe kristina whatsherface is leaving after the brainiac lobotomy debacle...although she seems happy enough to be advertising blackhead cream
Smallville? Yeah, I've been seeing ads for that for a while now...when does its first episode air?
Really? Sucked for 7 years?
Never mind.
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