I am so into
Jason Aaron's run on
Ghost Rider. I urge everyone to jump on board.

Jason Aaron, of course, being the very talented writer behind the amazing ongoing series
Scalped, along with the Vertigo mini-series
The Other Side. He also recently completed a brief-yet-awesome run on
Ghost Rider is a character that I have always liked, but have never really found the books to be particularly awesome. The nineties kind of left a bad Ghost Rider taste in my mouth, because I will always associate the character with comics that look like this:

Yeah, that aged well.
Aaron completely understands what is awesome about the character, and it should be pretty obvious:
he's a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle. This character should be in a comic book which is

So he's taken Ghost Rider and basically set him in a grindhouse movie. We learned at the end of Daniel Way's run that Johnny Blaze was not in fact cursed by Satan, as he had always believed. Instead, he's been a tool of a rogue angel. So now Johnny is looking to ride into Heaven and kick some angel ass. But along the way he is running into all sorts of crazy stuff, including a bunch of nurses with machine guns:

I can't think of a single reason why someone wouldn't like this comic. It's fun, it's crazy, it's violent, and the art (by Roland Boschi and then Tan Eng Huat) is great too! Plus, Aaron has taken over the letters column, which makes for good reading as well. I especially liked this excerpt:

I'm not even exaggerating:
Ghost Rider is now one of my favourite comics. I just enjoy reading a comic where I am constantly giggling and shaking my head in disbelief.

And, hey, it just so happens that I interviewed Jason Aaron for
The Dollar Bin when I was at HeroesCon in June. I would like to say that this was done live at his table in the middle of the convention hall, so it was a little noisy. And I had to make up the questions on the spot. So forgive me if I sound nuts. You can listen to the interview
here.And since I am promoting Jason Aaron-related things anyway, y'all should check out the messageboard he runs, along with fellow awesome creators Brian Azzarello, Brian Wood, Cliff Chiang, Jock, David Lapham and G. Willow Wilson. It's called Standard Attrition and you can check it out
here. Y'know, if you like talking about stuff on the internet. With comic fans. I dunno if you're into that sort of thing.
Wait...so Ghost Rider is actually GOOD? I may actually have to pick this up, because I had no idea!
I Love Jason Aaron!
Jason Aaron is, next to Matt Fraction, the best new comics writer to show up in the last year or two.
And personally I like Scalped (despite the terrible title) a lot more than most of Matt Fraction's work. Fraction really needs to do some non-genre comic writing.
Jason Aaron is one of my favorites writer, reason for which I support in all decisions he take. His talent is notorious in Scalped.
The author is absolutely right, and there is no question.
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