Thursday, May 24, 2007

M.J. Bone

I lied. Again.

I said I wasn't going to post anything further about the MJ statue, and then J. Bone drew this for me!!!!!!
Clearly it needed to be posted because it is the most amazing thing. Ever. (Note the tiny top and ripped jeans on the clothesline).



chrishaley said...

You are so lucky.

april said...

that is possibly one of the greatest (and hottest) things i've ever seen. i love his undies!

Anonymous said...

And... and it actually looks like Parker!


rachelle said...

Now that's a Peter Parker we can all enjoy!

Caleb said...

hey, i used to have those undies! and a matching t-shirt! twenty-some years ago. and I didn't fill 'em out nearly as well.

rachelle said...

He has the proportionate sexiness of a spider.

FoldedSoup said...

I love the little details. Well done!

(I love that he used his webbing for the clothesline, but used clothespins to actually hang the clothes. Why not just web 'em? Hee hee...)

And the little stormcloud really sells it.

rachelle said...

Because Peter knows that webbing leaves stains on clean clothes.

Anonymous said...

That is utterly adorable.

Unknown said...

Now THAT'S something I would spend money on. :D

Jayunderscorezero said...

One word: awesome!

Awesome image, awesome sentiment on Bone's behalf, and awesome fortune on your behalf too!

Skeleton Munroe said...

That's almost excessively cool.

SallyP said...

My goodness, that's just too cute for words. And quite well done, by the way.

JohnF said...

Shouldn't he be washing her underwear though?

Anonymous said...

Look at all the water on the floor. Further ammo for the arguement that MJ was not doing Peter's laundry in the original statue. Either that or she's a lot neater (i.e. has more experience washing clothes) than he is...