Booster Gold #3

And in this issue he runs into Jonah Hex!!! This issue was basically a parade of things I love. It's like this comic reads my mind. Before we even get to the cowboy fun there's a Back to the Future reference (you know that both Booster Gold and Rip Hunter have seen that movie, like, so many times) and this Smallville reference:

Now let's get to the good stuff. Like Booster dressing like a cowboy:

I'm getting off track. What I meant to talk about was Booster stripping down there (yowza!) and also that Rip Hunter keeps a cheap cowboy Halloween costume in the Time Sphere.
So our boy runs into Jonah Hex, as I said, and is challenged to a drinking competition. So Booster gets PLOWED. And it's great.
But not as great as SKEETS RIDING A HORSE!

And then there was this:

This is as good as comics...nay...entertainment...gets.
Black Adam #3

In this one, Black Adam runs into Hawkman and totally throws down. It's AWESOME.
Also, Doug Mahnke draws a great looking Hawkman. The helmet is perfect.

Captain Carrot and the Final Ark #1

If you're confused about Captain Carrot, don't be. It's just fun. It's an Earth that mirrors our own but its inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals. Funny ones.
I laughed out loud quite a bit. Particularly at these two panels:

Countdown Week 29

I know that they are hand-cuffed together and it would therefore be tricky and everything, but...wouldn't Piper and Trickster maybe want to think about changing their clothes? Since they are on the run and stuff? I mean, I would at least try. If I were them.

Let's talk about Cliff Chiang and how frigging awesome his art is. It's so beautiful. I could not be happier with the choice of artist on this.
And look at classic Oliver, looking all sexy:

When you hug Batman, he gets so freaked out that little red triangles appear above his head.
Yeah, so Batman believes that Oliver isn't really dead. Hal on the other hand is totally keen to bury the body and move on. Because Hal's an idiot. Or Hal wants Oliver's XBox or something.
This autopsy scene was pretty amusing:

Y'know what else I really liked in this comic? Dinah's eye make-up. That mauve shadow really looks pretty!
So of course Ollie isn't dead. But I guess Everyman is.
Green Lantern #24

Particular highlights this time around include the continued use of lethal force by the GL Corps (I could watch those guys waste bad guys all day), and Parallax calling Kyle "the pretty boy."
This page is awesome:

I really like that aside with Superman and Hank too.
I also really like later in this issue when Kyle emerges from Parallax, all naked, and Guy uses his ring to make clothes for him...but he only makes tight-fitting boxer shorts...
Justice League Unlimited #38

Did anyone else find this comic to be kinda hard to read? I hate to say that about a kids comic, because it makes me feel dumb, but the pacing of the story just seemed sorta bizarre. It was like every other page was missing or something.
But I'll tell you what I loved about it: Giganta using a skyscraper as a make-up mirror:

Runaways #28

This was a good issue. I just don't really have anything to say about it. Except I hope they return to the present soon because I am getting bored of the past.
Superman #668

To find the Kryptonian, Supes gets some help from his old pal Batman. Because that guy loves to find stuff. Superman also brings Christopher to the cave, and it's pretty cute:


Also, I don't know who this guy is, but I like his enthusiasm:

For one thing: Dinosaurs!

I would like to know where I can get one of these fire swords:

Wonder Woman #13

J. Torres does double Wonder Duty this week with Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl. And he does a good job of both.
The art on this kinda jumped around between pretty good and really bad. Like, why did Wonder Girl look like a 40-year-old trophy wife?

Wonder Girl #2

Wonder Girl is a very charming mini-series. The fun art really suits Torres' writing, I think.
In this issue Cassie is getting stalked by a very persistent Hercules. He gives her a new outfit, which looks pretty cool:

Still loving the Hauls! Keep it up(please,) and thank you!
The trophy wife comment was spot on. I don't really see anything in Wonder Girl to like and the art isn't helping me away from that.
I didn't notice the Wonder and Canary shorts vanishing into their butts when I read the book, but after having it pointed out - damn. The art isn't bad, it's just painfully stupid.
How does the fight between Hawkman and Black Adam last longer than 2 seconds? It should have been like:
Hawkman hits Black Adam with mace, mace shatters into a thousand pieces, BA punches Hawkman across town. I mean, jeez. I like the way they've upped Carter's power level a little bit, what with the Nth metal healing factor and all. But he's still basically just a strong human with a mace. Black Adam isas strong as Superman. He took on the entire DCU all by himself. He should not be staggered and bloodied by a mace.
Nice art though.
"...the worm is wearing an iPod for no apparent reason."
I think it's a visual play on that loudspeaker Mr Mind wears around his neck.
Hey, nice new banner!
Mahnke did do a nice I'm kinda sorry I skipped that book. I probably would have fainted if Battle-damaged Hawkman leaned into my car window and asked for a cell phone. Yeesh.
And yes, Skeets riding a horse was probably the greatest thing I've ever seen in a comic book.
I am SO with you on Booster Gold. This book just keeps getting better and better, if that is even possible. Because really, who DOESN'T want to see Skeets riding a horse?
Black Adam was pretty good, the art is amazing, and I'm rather warming to Peter Tomasi as the writer.
The art in Green Arrow and Black Canary was excellent. I czn honestly say that I didn't even think of Everyman...because I'm occasionally painfully naive. Is he REALLY dead this time? Oh, and LOVED Batman with the saw.
I completely missed Suicide Squad, and must pick it up next week. I don't know what came over me.
Wonder Woman Still looking forward to Gail Simone.
Green Lantern was usual. Between half-naked Booster and all-naked Kyle, I had a GREAT week. But Guy's Michigan sticker on the side of his lantern was the best.
Oh, and nice new banner at the top of the page!
In Green Lantern, the 'Lean on Me' reference to Morgan Freeman's iconic line was awesome. "I don't have to do anything but stay black and die!"
John tweaked it a little for the situation, but it was still badass.
What is with all the variant zombie covers popping up recently? I understand the craze, but wasn't it regulated to just zombie things? And Wolverine?
Nice banner.
The zombie covers are being done on some other Marvel comics this month for Halloween (yes, it's a marketing ploy).
Having said that and having read the preview copy of next week's Marvel Zombies v2 #1, it's a lot of fun!
I love the fact that according to Booster Gold #3, a good quarter of the Smallville fanfic written will be in canon if the Kents aren't there to find baby Kal-El.
Sallyp - I didn't even notice that Michigan sticker! Brilliant! It's the little things like that that make Guy so awesome.
Heather - Ha! It's so true.
I'm doing Booster in the trade already, but I'm going to do the same with Black Adam on the strength of your recommendation. So if there's a missile attack on Canada in a few months it will be because I didn't like it.
In other news... you're missing out by skipping New Avengers this week. Kind of a standalone of all villain badness (which, since it's villains, makes it goodness)
I actually did read Avengers this week, but I got kinda sleepy while reading it. Not as sleepy as when I was reading Spider-Man (HOLY CRAP...could that have been any more boring and dumb?!), but still sleepy. I know that bigger Marvel fans than I seemed to really like Avengers this week. I don't know if I like Lenil Francis Yu's art on Avengers anymore. I really like his art in general, but it's a little too bleak for the Avengers title, I think.
I know this is ages ago now, and will probably never be seen by anyone, but what I really, really loved about this issue of Booster Gold was Booster's drunken confession about his cape. I mean, what could possibly be more humiliating than Superman telling you you can't handle a cape? And yet it's such a... Booster thing to happen.
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