This Saturday past was the Strange Adventures Halloween party. There were some truly excellent costumes.
In defiance of the Death of the New Gods, I went as Barda:

That gives you some idea of what her armor would look like if it were really, really shitty. And made mostly of bristol board, electrical tape, and some metallic gold track pants.

Also, I had to wear a hat under the helmet to keep the helmet from falling off. You can see the hat pretty clearly in most pictures, which is too bad. The belt also kept falling down.
I wasn't the only New God! Orion in da house!

Check out the Kirby hand happening in the next photo:

Here I am with my bitches:

Aren't their costumes so cute? Check it out:

Awwww. It was a bowling party, by the way. Thus the bowling shoes on everyone.
Two Harrison Fords are better than one!:

That's Matt as Han Solo, and Ben as Indiana Jones. Not bad, boys.
Winner of best Female costume went to the Ultimate Warrior:

Best male costume went to Jayne from Firefly:

Pee Wee is looking on there. Here's a better shot of him:

Mr and Mrs Skeleton won Most Uncomfortable, but really they deserved so much more. These are some great costumes:

The eyes glowed, too, but you can't really see it there.
The New Gods had the heavy burdon of tallying the votes and announcing the winners. Here's Barda and Orion crunching the numbers:

We left the bowling ally to go to a house party. First a few of us stopped in at Wendy's:

Then on to the house party, at which point my memories become very hazy. I do know that Tigger costume + Superman Returns mask + Beard = scariest thing I have ever seen:

Apparently I was wearing that mask later. I don't recall this, but there are pictures.
I'd love to see photos of all of your halloween costumes! Hook me up with some links!
Love, love, love.
those pictures (and I'm especially thinking of you, Barda)
go well with this
Aw, that was adorable. What a cute song!
Great costumes! I especially like the political statement of the Barda costume. I hope you stayed out of the kitchen. :)
You might appreciate these pics of me as Bruce Wayne, my son as Robin, my daughter as Supergirl, and my wife as, um, a woman in a Superman t-shirt (perhaps the third Kryptonian?).
Great costumes, thanks for sharing! I'm actually thinking of getting a Kirby Big Barda tattoo on my right leg (my left leg has Promethea on it).
Looks like a lot of fun was had by all, if I had my shite together I would have done that atmy store as Halloween falls on new comic day this year. I'll be wearing my Greatest American Hero cape tomorrow though.
My god... It's like General Zod killed a tiger...
*sigh* I wish I had the time/money/physique to be a comic character this year.
Instead I went as a Dickensian street urchin.
So... Newsboy Legion, maybe?
(If anyone got pictures, I'll link later.)
Hey, I didn't let physique stop me.
*sigh* There just aren't many super hero options for pudgy females.
Well I love your Barda costume, makes me want to try to do that next year maybe. This year I was The Question. I'm no Vic Sage or Renee Montoya but I think the costume came out alright. And there were a few other comic characters at the party I attended so that made me feel better. You can check out some pics from said party here.
Barda looks awesome. What a swinging halloween party! Major props to Orion- And all the new Gods present for that matter. For last years Black Canary costume, follow the link: New superhero costume to be worn and photographed tomorrow. Happy Halloween All!
I was Black Canary last year too! But my wig was terrible. And I kinda looked like Black Walrus. You can see a pic here.
Your Barda is magnificent, and yes, you do look cute as a button. I must say that I was quite impressed with Orion as well.
I went as Zatanna one year, but that was before I had kids.
You girls are so foxy!
I love your costumes.
But the Orion is my favorite.
Come on! He's got a Mother Box!
Rachelle you have to see this
chris and i were superman and zatanna, respectively (thank god...although now that i think about it, i wouldn't mind seeing him in fishnets). i'll get him to post a link, since i'm not sure where the pictures ended up.
oh, and i forgot to say, your costume is totally kick-ass. your bristol board/tape skills amaze me.
As embarrassed as the other guys probably are about this I think my comic character costume is awesome. Just as awesome as my accidental alliteration.
Thanks for continually keeping me entertained throughout my mundane life.
Here's some pictures of my costume this year:
Here, and here.
Adam, I love your Supergirl costume. That is hilarious.
And nice Rorschach costume, action wolf!
Looking forward to seeing your pics, April!
Great pictures! It looks like a fun night!
This year I did autopsy Batman from GA/BC #1.
But congrats on getting that Big Barda head piece to work.
I was so inspired, I went around today shouting "wait'll you see my mega rod" but it just got me tazed and maced
Your costume is awesome! I want to be a superhero next year (this year, it was a simple character from The Office).
Your old Black Canary costume is also awesome! Dang!
I love the BARDA costume, that's great! ( I'm a big Kirby Fan ). My 2nd favorite too is the Mary Marvel...sweet. I didn't dress-up for Halloween this year or I would share, sorry.
BATMAN FAN?? Check Out ~
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