Friday, March 23, 2007

Superman and Batman Quit Earth, Not Each Other.

Why? I'll tell you why. Because in outer space no one will judge their love.

"And we're not coming back until we're allowed to wed legally!"

"In outer space, our lives will be perfect. We'll fly around holding hands all day!"


Also in this issue:

Yowza! Man I love Bob Haney and his crazy hippy talk. He makes our heroes say the most ridiculous (and sexy) things to each other.


Jon Hex said...

Nothing says Hero Love like riding on the back of your flying partner.

Scipio said...

This made me howl with laughter.

Causing 30 nearby dogs to follow suit...

jeremy said...


btw, your title banner has WEDNESDAY spelled wrong. :D (unless it's some weird Canadian spelling I don't know about. err...aboot?)

rachelle said...

OH NO! What an embarrassing typo! It was right the first time I made the banner, then I decided to re-do the text and, well...

I'd better fix that right away. Thanks for pointing that out.

Jon Hex said...

I forgot to ask; who is "Crazy Lucas"?

rachelle said...

Lucas is the last name of a scientist guy who decides that he's had enough of Earth and its hate and war and racism, and decides to move his whole family into space (read: Bob Haney is a hippy).

Batman and Superman go to space to bring him back, because he stole a government spacecraft, but decide that the dude has a point and thus defend his decision to the NASA guys instead of forcing him to return to Earth.

Anonymous said...

So they change into their secret IDs' to appear inconspicuous. What is Bruce Wayne doing hanging out with Clark Kent at what looks like an aircraft hanger? How would either of them explain their presence there. Gotta love the Haneyverse.
*ow my brain*

- Lauren

John Rozum said...

Worthy of "Superdickery." Great post.

Viagra said...

Freedom of choice... sounds like a "coming out to the closet" sentence... It is so obvious that the 70's where so different from today...