I would like a statue of Spider-Man doing his own goddamn laundry. That would actually be kind of cute. But this is the worst thing I have ever seen. Why is Mary-Jane standing like that?! Even with all the other crappy elements of this statue, it would be significantly less offensive if she were standing up straight. It's like there's a giant fire that she has to lean over to reach the wash bucket.
The thong is also a nice touch. She obviously sucks at laundry because all of her own clothes are shrunk.

Argh!! It's so shitty!!!
Actually, I might buy one of these so I can haul it out and beat anyone with it who suggests that sexism in comics doesn't exist.
It's almost the same pose that Lois uses to fluff pillows!
--ounclra, uncle to the egyptian sun god
I was actually thinking, imagine if they made the same statue with Lois Lane.
Between you and Sleezes' this is the first I've seen of that.
I'll say it again here.
This is not a homage to good/bad girl Betty Page-ish artwork of the 30s-50s. This just ... well, sucks.
Really, Marvel guys.. I know what you tried to do.. but this isn't even close. A better idea (please listen) would be some statues based on the old-school Kirby / Romita / Ditko Pin-Up pages of Sue, Janet, Gwen, and MJ.
This. Just. Sucks.
Yeah. It's really bad.
I was thinking that, like, a golden-age statue of an angry Lois Lane washing Superman's outfit while Clark sits with his feet up in the background would actually be kind of funny.
But, yeah, if you want statues of hot women, there is a right way and a wrong way. This is the WRONG WAY.
I LIKE it, course it would have to closeted like all my other geekily possesions. Might look sharp in my laundry room though.
If you guys bring it into the shop I will have to come in wearing a trench coat, black sunglasses, and a ballcap and walk out with it in a black bag though. Pure pervert style.
I actually lost count of how many ways that is wrong.
Somebody somewhere will apparently pay 50 dollars for that. Put it next to thier hot shirtless Wolverine biting someone's eye out. You know, for the full gamut of manliness.
Although I agree it would be very adorable if Spider-Man would do his own laundry. I like it more when the Spider-Man career kind of annoys Mary Jane.
It's actually more like $150. (Or $200 in Canada).
Ha! That's great (in the way something can be so bad that it infact becomes good). I wonder what issue of Playboy the artist referenced to get that pose.
Ya know, at first I was against it, but I hadn't seen it from the other side. That rip right there on the cheek, that's classy! I'll take two.
Seriously though, what makes me saddest is that the Spidey laundry itself looks really funny and cute. And nothing else about this does.
Finally, a woman who knows how to take care of her man.
I hope this starts a trend.
Gahhh! That is one scary little statue. Even worse though, were the comments of the pervs who thought that porcelain MJ was the embodiment of their dreams.
That's really rather sad.
I'd rather see her, say, standing up straight, no thong (I'm pretty sure that ol' MJ's got better underwear sense than that) with a 'bad smell' expression on her face, holding the Spidey-suit at an arms length as it's encrusted with Parker sweat and villain goo.
And then a companion statue where she's reading a magazine while Peter does the laundry.
Ben - you could make salt and pepper shakers out of them!
She's leaning because those boobs are way too heavy for her slim frame. That's how her back is angled ALL THE TIME! Show some compassion, people. This girl is in pain, and the only thing that makes her feel better is doing her man's dirty laundry.
I guess this is Marvel's way of apologizing for that gruesome Marvel Zombies "Disemboweled Bridal MJ" statue.
Way to go, guys!
Of course if you're looking intelligent sexual politics in a mainstream superhero comic there's bound to be dissapointment. (Although the shirtless John Jameson sweating over a printing press in about the same position is real winner!)
What really struck me about this is how the "Women of the DC Universe" bust for Big Barda has her holding Scott Free's cape, and the first thing I thought on seeing that one was: "Aw, c'mon, she does more than just do Mr. Miracle's laundry."
Of course, Barda actually wants to do the laundry and have a normal suburban life, which puts the Mary Jane statue in a class all its own.
Yeah, that's actually the statue that convinced me that sexism exists in comics. Before that I was like "Where, I don't see...oh. Dayumn."
I saw this and thought of you. http://www.shortpacked.com/d/20070319.html
Ha! That cartoon rules! I am really dreading that Frank Miller Spirit movie. Though I doubt I'll be able to hear it over the noise of Will Eisner spinning in his grave.
Wow... I think I'm the only person who thinks this is funny. I'd buy one if I was a 14-25 year old who is the target audience of comics. Get over yourselves and acknowledge that sex sells.
So does your mom.
Where can I buy two of these?
Wow, some might bother to look back at the era the statue is based on, the 1970's. This was not such a big deal back then. Granted it is a bit of a throw back, but hell it is a comic figure. What do you expect from a MJ fig?
Oh, it's a throwback. Well, that's ok then. As long as it's something that was cool in the past, I guess it's ok now.
I can't take anonymous commenters seriously. These are the same kids who try to pick fights on YouTube comment threads.
I just assume that all anonymous commenters are actually Michael Turner.
You're quoted in the N.Y. Post this morning...
get over it you friggin prudes
Anonymous said...
get over it you friggin prudes
And this is exactly what I'm talking about. Tough talk from someone who won't even sign their name to it.
The feminists have spoken, and they have a suggestion for an accompanying piece:
That's awesome, flatline jack.
Like, seriously, I don't care if people want to make/buy gross, porny statues. I just want the scales to balance. Where's my Batman-Making-Out-With-Superman statue?
Wow, I cant believe people are so soft. Its a statue and MJ looks hot. If I came home and my wife was washing my clothes lookin' like that, Id plow her til it fell off. Wonder if you are all so quick to defend how men are portrayed on tv these days? losers.
and this whole sexism in comics thing... I cant think of 3 girls I know that read comics. You dont see massengil advertising to us guys. Use our product and your sack will smell better!!! marvel,Dc etc target to the guys, they are the ones who buy it. Damn, you feminists have a screwed up way of looking at the world. Thank god I married a normal woman.
If I came home and my wife was washing my clothes lookin' like that, Id plow her til it fell off.
Yes, well, I think that the key word there is "if."
lol, your so funny. sweetie, in my marriage I can park my manhood anywhere I please. You know what?been married 3 yrs and have never folded one item of clothing. By the same token, shes never cooked a meal... it works out. The way you are all going off about a staute of a character who has always been portrayed as a sex pot is ridiculous. Its not like they made one of Molly Yard.
It's like a Manara without his innate good taste and political correctness. Not.
Why are all the good ones married?
It is out of touch, to be sure, but if it's the "worst and most offensive thing you've ever seen," I cann't even imagine how sheltered your life must be. I'm going to hope that's merely common Internet hyperbole, where a slightly below-average movie is worse than the Bataan Death March and an underdone hamburger at Jack-In-The-Box worse than anything that ever happened to the Jews.
No Google or Blogger account, sorry.
You are correct. It is a hyperbole. Everyday I say something is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life.
Let me go on record here and clarify that the statuette of Mary-Jane is not, in fact, the worst thing I have ever seen.
Big deal...
I realize all you women are offended because there's a hot chick looking very hott while she does a nice thing to help out her husband (who is busy saving lives, but since when does a guy's occupation matter much to wives?).
But do you realize that if a real woman actually does this for a guy... She'll hardly ever have an argument going shopping? Hell, if a woman was that awesome to me, I know I'd sure want to spoil her, well after the wedding.
And yes... She would still be able to vote. So you can relax and stop burning your bras.
Big deal...
I realize all you women are offended because there's a hot chick looking very hott while she does a nice thing to help out her husband (who is busy saving lives, but since when does a guy's occupation matter much to wives?).
But do you realize that if a real woman actually does this for a guy... She'll hardly ever have an argument going shopping? Hell, if a woman was that awesome to me, I know I'd sure want to spoil her, well after the wedding.
And yes... She would still be able to vote. So you can relax and stop burning your bras.
Wait wait wait...
You're upset over the fact that Mary Jane is doing laundry in a sexual pose in a thong, and therefore calling it sexism against Marvel?
My god...It's....it's as if comic books were made for prepubescent boys who have nothing to wank to! Oh...wait...
And no, I'm not saying that girls can't read comic books. In fact some of my best friends whom are girls read comics. The fact is that Marvel's, and any other comic book big-leaguers for that matter, target consumer is in fact male. So, Marvel, and any other smart person, would indeed make a product alluring to the fact that Mary Jane is hot.
Get over it. It's a statue for sale. Marvel isn't sexist, they're just doing what they wanna do. You don't have to buy it, look at it, or even think about it. Get your undies out of a twist and move on.
To Kid Flash:
It's as if none of us guys have ever lost any bodily fluid to Mary Jane and the like... Astonishing.
The word of the day is "Legs".
Spread the word.
"Wait wait wait...
You're upset over the fact that Mary Jane is doing laundry in a sexual pose in a thong, and therefore calling it sexism against Marvel?
My god...It's....it's as if comic books were made for prepubescent boys who have nothing to wank to! Oh...wait...
And no, I'm not saying that girls can't read comic books. In fact some of my best friends whom are girls read comics. The fact is that Marvel's, and any other comic book big-leaguers for that matter, target consumer is in fact male. So, Marvel, and any other smart person, would indeed make a product alluring to the fact that Mary Jane is hot.
Get over it. It's a statue for sale. Marvel isn't sexist, they're just doing what they wanna do. You don't have to buy it, look at it, or even think about it. Get your undies out of a twist and move on."
At least someone has common sense.
Sadly, most people here are too immature to understand that comics are mainly aimed at male teens because that's the demography of most readers. I don't see people calling movie producers sexist when they show shirtless (or even naked) men in movies aimed at women.
For a shot of Spidey in fact doing his own, see http://bonesmen.blogspot.com/2007/05/peter-parker-househusband.html
Looks a Pin up girl of some sorts, but it would have been worst if she was wearing a "cleaning lady uniform" that would have been pretty bad.
This won't work in reality, that is what I suppose.
What happened to her internal organs?
Max E: Same thing, I suppose, that happened to the interior organs of wasp-waisted Victorian era girls: Highly unhealthy rearrangement.
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